You took the plunge! I am so excited for you!
Welcome and get ready to allow your body to heal and invigorate every cell in your body. We will take this journey together, so remember you will not be alone.
PLEASE READ ALL the below and put in the dates mentioned in your diary, save the password and link to this ecourse so you are ready to 'rock n roll' your way to health once the course starts in June.
You will need to log back in here on Sunday 6th June, 2021 to watch the first video and remind you that we are starting the course on Monday 7th June. In the meantime, download the file attached called Getting Ready (below), read it and and get ready. Set your alarm or put into in your diary to remind yourself to log in on Sunday June 6th.
The video on Sunday will be short so as to not 'eat' into your weekend but important. So that you 'hit the road running on Monday'.
I encourage you to watch each video, so you do not miss anything. If you are a note taker, you can take notes or just come back and watch the video again if you need to. Some of the lessons will have PDF files, so do set up a file for these and then use them to your 'heart's content'. I have found most people do better using the files. You will find them valuable not only for tracking your progress but also when you look back, you can also see not just the big changes but the subtle ones too. Some of these files you may want to print out and put them on the fridge door. or bathroom mirror.
A few things, I just want to say,
- Remember to relax, enjoy and take it all easy. Anytime you feel any anxiety or overwhelm, just stop and breathe. This is not a race, take it at YOUR pace.
- Get familiar with the setup, you will be invited to a private FB group on Sunday 6th June. TO JOIN this group you will need to log back into this platform as on Sunday 6th 2021 there will be a new video and details of how to JOIN the FB group. Feel free to introduce yourself in the group (this is optional but the more you get involved the more you 'get' from this course). The goal in the private FB group is to support and encourage each other and 'feast, fast and learn' together. There is power in a community of like-minded souls.
- I will not be advising coming off any medications, but highly suggest you work with your doctor on this if that is your goal. As your body heals, sometimes the need for medication changes/reduces, so keep this in mind.
- For preparation for the days ahead, do not rush out and buy all sorts of 'superfoods or even therapeutic' foods, we will go through this in the first week, if anything you will be saving money as you fast :)
- If you are someone that likes goals, number crunching, and report sheets, then get yourself a measuring tape. HOWEVER, AVOID weighing scales at all costs, as we do not want any dramas.
- Do get your self the unrefined salt and the cream of tartar (potassium chloride if you have a sensitive gut). See file attached. These are key during the fasting window.
- You may also need my email, [email protected] if for some reason you have any issues logging in or some other technical issues. All other questions, I encourage you to post in the private FB group once the course is in full force. DO NOT email me until we have at least started the course. EMAILS ARE FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY FOR LOG IN ISSUES.
- Do add this link to your favourites for ease to access the course on Sunday 6th June. then you will be logging into this link daily for the videos etc. Please be mindful this is your responsibility to log in, join the FB group and get going
- The FB group details will be provided on the Sunday and join the FB group as soon as you have the details as it will be closed within a few days in order to keep it private.
- PLEASE NOTE this course is a 30 day course with access to a FB community with me present for guidance. Following the 30 days the FB group will be archived on Weds July 7th, 2021 midnight London time, so you will still have access to the posts but it will no longer be active. YOU WILL ALSO HAVE ACCESS TO THE VIDEOS FOR ANOTHER EXTRA 30 DAYS..this is because there is quite a huge mount of wonderful empowering education that it just helps to be able to re-visit those videos. Make the most of this 30 day extension. The course and access to all course materials ends on FRIDAY AUGUST 6th, 2021 midnight London time.
Get ready, bring a great attitude and set that intention. We are in this together and a big thank you for allowing me to be part of the journey with you!
To health!
Khush Mark (PhD)
Naturopathic Nutritionist, Homeopath and Lecturer.